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Terrain Modeling/Mapping


Consolve, Inc.

SitePlanner is a data visualization and analysis tool designedspecifically for hazardous waste site assessment and remediation. Ithelps engineers make sense of their environmental data. It helps theengineer `see' the site contamination so they can make better, moreinformed decisions about remediation strategies. It complements existingdatabases and GIS applications. SitePlanner differs from GIS applicationsin that it is ready to use with the amount of data available. There isnot a minimal data set, simply keep adding information to SitePlanner asit is gathered. The menu driven user interface and ability to accept inmany formats allow the user to see their results more quickly.

Language: Common Lisp, C
Source Avail: No
Product Special Handling: None.
Operating Systems: Solaris Sparc 1.0

Consolve, Inc.
70 Westview St
Lexington, MA 02173
Phone: (617) 674-2199
        (800) 428-5547
Fax: (617) 674-2217